muchen 牧辰

Tutorial 2 - RTL Compiler Synthesis & Synthesized Simulations

Updated 2020-09-06

This document covers how to setup the Linux environment to use Cadence Encounter RTL Compiler, configuring TCL file, synthesizing our SystemVerilog design, and simulating the synthesized design in ModelSim. This document is a revision of Dr. Shekhar’s tutorials1. However, we are using PDK 15 nm models, so certain parts are different.

Environment Setup

In this section, we will setup the Linux environment ready for the tools, take care of licensing issues, and start using the tools.

Working Directory

We will create a working directory where our Cadence-based project files and other generated files will live. One option is to make a Cadence_StudentNumber directory in your home directory — where StudentNumber is your UBC student number or ECE account ID. Once you made the directory, descend into that directory:

mkdir Cadence_StudentNumber
cd Cadence_StudentNumber

Next, while inside the Cadence working directory, source the install script to set up the environment. This creates subdirectories for various tools, defining paths, environment variables, sets up licensing.

source /CMC/kits/AMSKIT616_GPDK/underg_install.csh

Setup Local

Before we continue, there is another setup_local.csh script we need to source located in our working directory.

source setup_local.csh

File Preparation

In this section, we will learn how configure various files required for a synthesis.

First, from your Cadence working directory, descend into the subdirectory called synth. This will be our working directory for synthesis related tasks. Notice that inside the synth directory, there are two more subdirectories called in and out. They are where input source files and generated output files should be placed, respectively.

SystemVerilog Files

Copy the SystemVerilog files we had for previous tutorial (with the exception of testbench files — since those are not synthesizable) into the in subdirectory.

Library Files

There exists kit designers provided .lib files which include required information regarding standard cells. No actions are required for these files — but keep in mind where they are as we need them to construct our TCL instructions file.

SDC File

The SDC file is a text file with .sdc as extension. It includes the description of the clocks and other timing constraints used in the design.

Inside the in subdirectory, create a new file called timing.sdc, add the following lines show in Code 1 into the file:

current_design <design_name>
create_clock [get_ports {<clock_port_name>}] -name <clock_name> -period <clock_period_ns> -waveform {<rise> <fall>}
Code 1. SDC timing constraints file template

Where we need to replace these parameters:

When completed, our SDC file should look something like Code 2.

current_design up_counter
create_clock [get_ports {clk}] -name clk -period 100 -waveform {0 50}
Code 2. SDC timing constraints file template

TCL Instructions File

The Tool Command Language (TCL) instructions file contains a sequence of instructions we need to execute in the RTL compiler environment. Having it as a file is convenient because we don’t need to type each and every command manually.

While it is highly recommended you go through the following steps to understand what we are doing in the TCL file, one can skip to Completed TCL File if they just want to copy-and-paste.

Writing the TCL File

Create a new file in the in subdirectory called compile.tcl, and follow the steps:

  1. In the empty TCL file, insert the following line to include utility script:

    include load_etc.tcl
  2. Set our top-level design variable, which we use later for file output. Append the following:

    set DESIGN up_counter
  3. Set synthesis and mapping effort, as well as synthesis working directory. Append the following:

    set SYN_EFF medium
    set MAP_EFF medium
    set SYN_PATH "."
  4. Set PDK path and library file for the PDK library (see Library Files section). Append the following code:

    set PDKDIR /ubc/ece/data/cmc2/kits/ncsu_pdk/FreePDK15/
    set_attribute lib_search_path /ubc/ece/data/cmc2/kits/ncsu_pdk/FreePDK15/NanGate_15nm_OCL_v0.1_2014_06_Apache.A/front_end/timing_power_noise/CCS
    set_attribute library {NanGate_15nm_OCL_worst_low_conditional_ccs.lib}
  5. Read in our SystemVerilog files (remove the -sv flag if we want to read regular Verilog files). Append the following:

    read_hdl -sv ./in/

    Note: If there are multiple SystemVerilog files, just call the read_hdl commands for each file in reverse-hierarcharical order.

    For example, if the top level module Tom instantiates submodule Sam and Sierra, then execute the command in the order of: Sam, then Sierra, then Tom:

    # Example for the above Note:
    read_hdl -sv ./in/
    read_hdl -sv ./in/
    read_hdl -sv ./in/
  6. Specify the top level module by using elaborate command. Append the following:

    elaborate $DESIGN

    Notice that where we are using the $ syntax to use the design name variable name we have defined earlier.

  7. Check the design to ensure we don’t have any problems. Append the following:

    check_design -unresolved
  8. Read in the timing constraints file. Append the following:

    read_sdc ./in/timing.sdc
  9. Synthesize generic cell. Append the following:

    synthesize -to_generic -eff $SYN_EFF
    timestat GENERIC
  10. Synthesize to gates. Append the following:

    synthesize -to_mapped -eff $MAP_EFF -no_incr
    timestat MAPPED
  11. Run incremental synthesis and insert Tie-High and Tie-Low cells. Append the following:

    synthesize -to_mapped -eff $MAP_EFF -incr
    timestat INCREMENTAL
  12. Generate report files to the out subdirectory. Append the following:

    report area > ./out/${DESIGN}_area.rpt
    report gates > ./out/${DESIGN}_gates.rpt
    report timing > ./out/${DESIGN}_timing.rpt
    report power > ./out/${DESIGN}_power.rpt
  13. Generate and export mapped Verilog files to be used in Cadence Encounter and ModelSim. Append the following:

    write_hdl -mapped > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.v
  14. Generate and export the timing constraints file to be used in Encounter. Append the following:

    write_sdc > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.sdc
  15. Generate and export the timing constraints file to be used in ModelSim. Append the following:

    write_sdf > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.sdf
  16. Status update and exit. Append the following:

    timestat FINAL
    puts "Exiting . . ."

Completed TCL File

After that, your TCL instructions file should look something like Code 3 (at least for our up_counter example). Note that in this example TCL file, we’ve added puts statements which print messages to the screen to improve user experience.

# Include TCL utility scripts
include load_etc.tcl

# Timestamp

# Print status
puts "\n\n> Setting up Synthesis Environment . . ."

# Top level design name variable
set DESIGN up_counter

# Set synthesis effort, mapping effort, and working directory
set SYN_EFF medium
set MAP_EFF medium
set SYN_PATH "."

# Set PDK Library
set PDKDIR /ubc/ece/data/cmc2/kits/ncsu_pdk/FreePDK15/
set_attribute lib_search_path /ubc/ece/data/cmc2/kits/ncsu_pdk/FreePDK15/NanGate_15nm_OCL_v0.1_2014_06_Apache.A/front_end/timing_power_noise/CCS
set_attribute library {NanGate_15nm_OCL_worst_low_conditional_ccs.lib}

# Read in user Verilog files (add -sv flag for SystemVerilog files)
read_hdl -sv ./in/

# Elaboration validates the syntax (elaborate top-level model)
elaborate $DESIGN

# Status update
puts "> Reading HDL complete."
puts "> Runtime and memory stats:"
timestat Elaboration

# Show any problems
puts "\n\n> Checking design . . ."
check_design -unresolved

# Read timing constraint and clock definitions
puts "\n\n> Reading timing constraints . . ."
read_sdc ./in/timing.sdc

# Synthesize generic cell
puts "\n\n> Synthesizing to generic cell . . ."
synthesize -to_generic -eff $SYN_EFF
puts "> Done. Runtime and memory stats:"
timestat GENERIC

# Synthesize to gates
puts "\n\n> Synthesizing to gates . . ."
synthesize -to_mapped -eff $MAP_EFF -no_incr
puts "> Done. Runtime and memory stats:"
timestat MAPPED

# Incremental synthesis
puts "\n\n> Running incremental synthesis . . ."
synthesize -to_mapped -eff $MAP_EFF -incr
puts "\n\n> Inserting Tie Hi and Tie Low cells . . ."
puts "> Done. Runtime and memory stats:"

# Generate report to files
puts "\n\n> Generating reports . . ."
report area > ./out/${DESIGN}_area.rpt
report gates > ./out/${DESIGN}_gates.rpt
report timing > ./out/${DESIGN}_timing.rpt
report power > ./out/${DESIGN}_power.rpt

# Generate output verilog file to be used in Encounter and ModelSim
puts "\n\n> Generating mapped Verilog files . . ."
write_hdl -mapped > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.v

# Generate constraints file to be used in Encounter
puts "\n\n> Generating constraints file . . ."
write_sdc > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.sdc

# Generate delay file to be used in ModelSim
puts "\n\n> Generating delay file . . ."
write_sdf > ./out/${DESIGN}_map.sdf

# Status update
puts "Synthesize complete. Final runtime and memory:"
timestat FINAL

# Done
puts "Exiting . . ."
Code 3. Example TCL file


In this section we will run the synthesis tool. At this point, all of our input files (inside the in subdirectory) should be ready for synthesis.

Make sure we are in the synthesis working directory (…/Cadence_StudentNumber/synth). Then source the setup_local.csh to reset our environment and go into the RTL Compiler environment using the command rc:

source ../setup_local.csh && rc

The licensing checkout process begins — this will take a few seconds. Once licenses are checked out and validated, we enter the RC environment as shown in Figure 1. In the RC environment, source the TCL file we created in the previous section:

source ./in/compiler.tcl
Figure 1. RC environment started in the command line

The RTL Compiler will execute the instructions provided in the TCL file and will generate the artifacts — the reports and output files — in the out subdirectory.

The generated design files are as follows:

The generated reports are as follows:

The generated files will be used in the coming steps in the digital flow. The generated reports are important to assist one in making sure that the system meets the required specifications.

Simulate Synthesized Design

In this section we will take the generated artifacts from previous section regarding synthesis and put them to the test — in ModelSim simulations. Review previous ModelSim tutorial on basic ModelSim usage.

Compile Files

Start by copying the output .v file from the synthesis output directory into our ModelSim project directory. You may need to modify the module name or remove the un-synthesized SystemVerilog file to avoid name conflicts.

Next, add the required PDK Verilog file to the project. This file incldues the behavioural description of the standard cells. Go to the Project tab and then go to Project → Add to Project → Existing File… and navigate and select the following file:


Then, compile all files and ensure all files compiles successfully.


Modify the testbench files (if required) to instantiate the newly generated mapped module. Because we need to see if the synthesis is successful, we should leave the rest of the testbench untouched — and expect identical waveform outputs.

Simulation Options

Follow the same steps outlined in the previous ModelSim tutorial to begin simulation. However, on Start Simulation window, go to SDF tab, and click Add. An Add SDF Entry window will appear like shown in Figure 2. Click on Browse and then navigate and select the .sdf file from your synthesis output directory.

Figure 2. Add SDF in Simulation Options.

Enter the name of the top-level module in the test-bench in the Apply to Region text field and click OK.

Back in the Start Simulation Window, enable the Reduce SDF errors to warnings checkbox.

Run Simulation

Follow the same steps outlined in the previous ModelSim tutorial to setup your waveforms and run simulation. Ensure the waveform output is as expected compared to the orignal, unsynthesized waveform output.

Below in Figure 3 is the ModelSim simulation window. Notice on the Instance list on the left-side panel, the DUT (up_counter module) is now consists of standard design units (DFFs, Inverters, etc) instead of abstract “initial” or “always” blocks.

Figure 3. Simulation of the synthesized design from the RTL Compiler output files.

On the righthand side, the Wave window shows testbench signals as expected:

As we can see, the waveform output of the synthesized simulation is identical to the unsynthesized simulation we saw in the previous tutorial.

This is to be expected as we defined our clock period in the .sdc file to be 100 ns (frequency of 10 MHz). Using a high-frequency clock would likely lead to small differences between the ideal design (unsynthesized simulation) and the synthesized design.


👏 Congratulations on completing the RTL Compiler Synthesis and Synthesized Simulations tutorial. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the information found on Canvas course page.

If you’re ready to move on, checkout Cadence Virtuoso Tutorial.

  1. Sudip Shekhar, University of British Columbia, “CAD Tutorials”: